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As all of us know that blog commenting is best option in SEO for site promotion. Now the question arose – how and from where search relevant and updated blog site’s. Here I am posting some commands. I collected after deep RND. Hope it may be beneficial for all of us….

inurl:blog “your keyword” ”post a comment”

inurl:blog “your keyword” ”add comment”

inurl:blog “your keyword” ”make comment”

inurl:blog “your keyword” ”leave a comment”

inurl: blog”guest house” comment query inurl:blog + “post a comment” + keyword inurl:blog + “post a comment” + commentluv enabled

“Add comment” Your Keywords

“Post comment” Your Keywords

“Write comment” Your Keywords

Your Keywords “leave a comment” / “leave comment”

Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments?”+”Submit the word you see below:”

Your Keywords “Remember my personal information” + “Notify me of follow-up comments?”

Your Keywords “Notify me of follow-up comments”

Your Keywords “This site uses KeywordLuv”

Your Keywords “Enable CommentLuv”

Your Keywords “You can use these tags”

Your Keywords “Powered by BlogEngine.NET”

Your Keywords “Allowed HTML tags:”

Your Keywords “top commenter”

“Keyword” “Powered By Blogger”

“Keyword” “Powered By WordPress”

“Keyword” “Powered By Typepad”

“Keyword” “Powered By Drupal”

“Keyword” “Powered By Blogengine”

“Keyword” “Powered By Movabletype”

Thanks and most well come to share your views.