Monday 9 October 2017

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  1. That isn’t going to create much of a sense of community or generate tons of commentary.

  2. A conclusion that is too tight, pat and firm might just be the problem. A good wrap-up is vital to a great read, sure. When you wrap up your content too tightly, though, you cut off the circulation – or in other words, you shut down conversation.

  3. Across the board, those who coach individuals on social skills encourage people to ask open-ended questions. Open-ended questions keep conversation going. These coaches promote getting the other person to talk about himself.

  4. Where can you show that interest? Where’s the best place for that open-ended question? Your wrap-up, of course.

  5. Here’s an example to help understand how this all works:Your reader: I’d like to know more about writing great blog posts that encourage people to leave comments.

  6. You might have handed the reader a great solution, but did you show interest? Did you ask that open-ended question to get the reader involved? Did you encourage discussion? Not at all.

  7. You handed them an answer and shut down conversation so nicely that getting more from the reader becomes almost impossible.

  8. They’ve heard you. They’ve moved on. It’s the fine-line difference between talking at someone and talking with someone. Which action did that example fall into?

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